Registration in the Training of Trainers at the 2018 Asia Access to Justice Week

Thursday 18 Jan 2018 - Chiang Mai Thailand

While for some attending the A2JW, Thursday January 18th will provide a day off to relax and visit many of the wonderful sites Chiang Mai has to offer, for others attending the A2JW this day will continue the opportunity of A2J related collaboration and sharing. It will include a number of strategic planning roundtable events as well as a Training of Trainers workshop organized for a select number of pro bono legal service providers, many of whom often partner with BABSEACLE throughout the region to deliver justice education related trainings.

All A2J Training of Trainers are invitation only.
If you are interested in attending please email us about getting an invitation at [email protected]

All A2J Training of Trainers are invitation only.